Let them Eat Cake, Khun Kolkateka

Oil / Acrylic on Canvas

With her body turned the opposite direction, her hand rests softly on the table as her eyes glare at the items on the table top. The painting is mainly inspired by the portraits of the renaissance, the poise of Marie Antionette, integrated with the lifestyle of the Cambodian Royals. 

ចូរអ្នកសង្គេតមើល ដងខ្លួនរបស់នាងបានបង្វែរទិសដៅផ្ទុយមកវិញ ហើយ ដៃរបស់នាងជ្រាត់នៅលើតុនៅពេលដែលភ្នែករបស់នាងក្រឡេកមើលរបស់របរនៅលើតុ។ ផ្ទាំងគំនូរនេះត្រូវបានបំផុសគំនិតដោយរូបភាពនៃការច្នៃប្រឌិតឡើងវិញនៃផ្ទាំងគំនូររប់សអ្នកស្រី ម៉ារីអាន់តូនីស រួមជាមួយនឹងរបៀបរស់នៅរបស់គ្រួសារមហាក្សត្រខ្មែរ។

Artist Bio :
Khun Kolkateka is a Cambodian artist who has a reverence for the history of the Khmer Kingdom and its culture. His love for Cambodia’s lavishing style of arts, integrated with his deep interest towards European art creates a balance between the two worlds – his kingdom and that of the west.

Born and raised in Phnom Penh, his paintings pay homage to the colors of his homeland. As his passion for Khmer art started ever since he was young, his taste for European art history and techniques were cultivated during his years in middle school and high school. His distinctive personal style expresses the vibrant spirit of Cambodia’s past. His realistic depictions of the transformative effects of light and color in the four elements of earth, sky, water and land are life-affirming.

At just 18 years of age, Khun is widely recognised as a rising young talent in Cambodia. He was named the runner-up of an international gallery competition in Phnom Penh for his work entitled “The Show Must Go On”. His artwork are included in numerous private art collections throughout Cambodia (including the German Embassy in Cambodia), USA and Canada.

Price : $700